• Nuts Shop Tracking System is a system in which the weighing of more than one product from multiple scales is processed on a single receipt by QR or barcode to the customer at the last scale and the sale is terminated by scaning this receipt in the cash register.
• MSR can be used in the system if desired. A card can be given to the customer instead of the barcode receipt. Thanks to the card we will give to the clerk, the clerk can be followed.
• If the system is built using the Bizerba XC series scales, a label can be printed on all products instead of printing a label on each product.
• This system accelerates the workflow between the machine scales and the cash register. Customer waiting time is reduced and satisfaction increases. It is a system that will add a plus to your business in every aspect.
• At the bottom of the screen there are 10 memory keys, M1-M2...M10. It allows to keep the products weighed on the first scale and to remember the next scale and continue the weighing. Sales may continue from other scales. From the last scale until you press the PRINT button.
• Print button can be used parametically.
Option 1; The printer can extract a label for all products with barcode or QR code.
Option 2; Writes the current sales to a card you read at the time of sale. Thus, by swiping the card in the payment section, the customer's entire shopping transaction is converted into a cash receipt.
• You can forward your campaigns and advertising to the customer on the display screen.
• Label printers such as ManPos80M or Zebra can be used.