kiosk ve totem

Kiosk and Totem

• Your company can give detailed information about your products or you can present practical solutions to customer who need it with Kiosk Systems

• Kiosk Systems support sales in the retailing sector.Also, it is used for customer loyalty and satisfaction enhancement applications.

• Kiosk Data Bank is designed to be easily updated,extensible and remotely manageable.

• You can examine the following kiosk models for a kiosk system that suits your company's needs.

Kiosk Models

manpos kiosk

ManPos Deluxe Kiosk

Kiosk System which will create a revolution in customer experience with All in One Technology and Compact Structure.

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ManPos Classic Kiosk

Kiosk that can be used as customer satisfaction surveys and waiter-pos with it's convenient structure.

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ManPos Flat 32 Kiosk

Multi-Purpose Kiosk Developed for Restaurant Industry or Promotion-Advertising Sector

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totem kiosk

Kiosk Totem

The Most Advanced Interactive Kiosk Totem of the Century.You can present different marketing options to your customer.

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  • Telephone: +90 850 225 30 60
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  • Support Call: ABIYS B2C