'Give the job to the best' every company can't understand you..

AdamPos offers solutions and services to POS market for 23 years…

Retail is a sector with distinct dynamics. You can switch to eArchive at safe points without sacrificing speed, security and customer applications.
MyaPos software and ManPos equipment, as well as you will not lose your retail dynamics while using the sinem infrastructure under IBM Turkish integration.

You can use all the peripheral units of the case you are currently using and keep up with the e-transformation without any additional expense.
In Customer Relationship applications, you manage points Promotion , customer card and campaigns from a single center and provide efficiency.

AdamPos Is The Address Where You Can Find The Future Of The Retailer.

eArchive Specifications

Areas of Use of eArchive

  • Gros Markets
  • Non-Food Stores
  • Clothing, Textile Shops
  • Construction Market and Junk
  • Shoe Stores
  • Glassware,Kitchenware
  • Furniture Accessories Stores
  • Pet Shops
  • Appliance Stores
  • Technology Stores

eArchive Sales Document Sample

Socıal Medıa

Seller/Supplıer Logın

Help Desk Contact

  • Telephone: +90 850 225 30 60
  • HR: info@adampos.com
  • Marketing: pazarlama@adampos.com
  • HelpDesk: helpdesk@adampos.com
  • Support Call: ABIYS B2C